All ACT Rules
Rules for WCAG 2
The ACT Rules in this section directly relate to WCAG 2 success criteria. These rules have been approved by the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. They are fully implemented in at least one test tool or methodology.
- Autocomplete attribute has valid value
- Button has non-empty accessible name
- Element in sequential focus order has visible focus
- Element marked as decorative is not exposed
- Element with aria-hidden has no content in sequential focus navigation
- Element with lang attribute has valid language tag
- Element with presentational children has no focusable content
- Form field has non-empty accessible name
- Headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element
- HTML images contain no text
- HTML page has lang attribute
- HTML page has non-empty title
- HTML page lang attribute has valid language tag
- HTML page title is descriptive
- Iframe with interactive elements is not excluded from tab-order
- Image accessible name is descriptive
- Image button has non-empty accessible name
- Image has non-empty accessible name
- Important letter spacing in style attributes is wide enough
- Important line height in style attributes is wide enough
- Important word spacing in style attributes is wide enough
- Link has non-empty accessible name
- Menuitem has non-empty accessible name
- Meta element has no refresh delay
- Meta element has no refresh delay (no exception)
- Meta viewport allows for zoom
- Object element rendering non-text content has non-empty accessible name
- Scrollable content can be reached with sequential focus navigation
- SVG element with explicit role has non-empty accessible name
- Text has enhanced contrast
- Text has minimum contrast
Rules for WAI-ARIA
The ACT Rules in this section directly relate to WAI-ARIA requirements. These rules have been approved by the WAI-ARIA Working Group. They are fully implemented in at least one test tool or methodology.
- ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA
- ARIA state or property has valid value
- Role attribute has valid value
Proposed Rules for WCAG 2
The ACT Rules in this section directly relate to WCAG 2 success criteria. These rules will be considered for approval once they are fully implemented in at least one test tool or methodology.
- ARIA required context role
- ARIA required ID references exist
- ARIA required owned elements
- ARIA state or property is permitted
- Audio and visuals of video element have transcript
- Audio element content has text alternative
- Audio or video element avoids automatically playing audio
- Bypass Blocks of Repeated Content
- Content has alternative for visual reference
- Device motion based changes to the content can also be created from the user interface
- Device motion based changes to the content can be disabled
- Element with role attribute has required states and properties
- Error message describes invalid form field value
- Focusable element has no keyboard trap
- Form field label is descriptive
- Heading is descriptive
- HTML element language subtag matches language
- HTML page language subtag matches default language
- Iframe element has non-empty accessible name
- Iframe elements with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose
- Image not in the accessibility tree is decorative
- Interactive component has enhanced size
- Link in context is descriptive
- Link is descriptive
- Links with identical accessible names and same context serve equivalent purpose
- Links with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose
- No keyboard shortcut uses only printable characters
- Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transforms
- Summary element has non-empty accessible name
- Table header cell has assigned cells
- Text content that changes automatically can be paused, stopped or hidden
- Video element auditory content has accessible alternative
- Video element auditory content has captions
- Video element visual content has accessible alternative
- Video element visual content has strict accessible alternative
- Video element visual-only content has accessible alternative
- Visible label is part of accessible name
- Zoomed text node is not clipped with CSS overflow
Rules beyond WCAG
The ACT Rules below do not directly relate to WCAG success criteria. They relate to other accessibility guidance such as WAI-ARIA or Techniques for WCAG 2 . These rules will be considered for approval once they are fully implemented in at least one test tool or methodology.
- Audio element content has transcript
- Audio element content is media alternative for text
- Audio or video element that plays automatically has a control mechanism
- Audio or video element that plays automatically has no audio that lasts more than 3 seconds
- Block of repeated content is collapsible
- Document has a landmark with non-repeated content
- Document has an instrument to move focus to non-repeated content
- Document has heading for non-repeated content
- Focusable element has no keyboard trap via non-standard navigation
- Focusable element has no keyboard trap via standard navigation
- Heading has non-empty accessible name
- Video element content is media alternative for text
- Video element visual content has audio description
- Video element visual-only content has audio track alternative
- Video element visual-only content has transcript
- Video element visual-only content is media alternative for text
Deprecated ACT Rules
The ACT Rules below are deprecated and are no longer maintained. For details on why a rule was deprecated see the “Deprecated” section at the top of the rule.